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Capital Campaign


Kim Anderson

M.L. Carr

Del Harris

Larry Holley

John Hudson

Mike Lightfoot

Jim Nelson

Doug Palm

Bo Ryan

Josh Schertz

Scott Slaggie

Dan Snell

Gary Stewart

George Tinsley

SCB Foundation Final.jpg

Purpose of the Capital Campaign

The Small College Basketball Foundation is launching this Capital Campaign to raise $1.3 million by the end of 2024.  The purpose of raising such funds is to accomplish the following:

  • Build, maintain and enhance the Tribute to Small College Basketball exhibit

  • Create a documentary series about the history of college basketball at the small college levels

    • The Tribute to Small College Basketball and the documentary series will help to tell the many stories of college basketball and will preserve the history of our game at the small college levels

  • Add two new national awards

  • Launch an additional major event for Small College Basketball

  • Make Small College Basketball a sustainable entity

  • Create an additional stream of consistent annual revenue to the SCB Foundation



We request that you contribute one (or more) of the following:

  • Make a significant contribution to the SCB Foundation’s Capital Campaign

  • Make a multi-year pledge to the SCB Foundation’s Capital Campaign

  • Leave a gift in your Will to the SCB Foundation

The Small College Basketball Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.  As such, contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the tax code.  Checks may be made payable to the Small College Basketball Foundation, and send to Small College Basketball,  P.O. Box 60785, Ft. Myers, FL 33906.  For multi-year pledges and/or estate planning, please contact John McCarthy at 913-486-7872.

SCB Founder John McCarthy at the 2018 SCB Celebration of the Game Event in Kansas City, Missouri

SCB Alumni Association Chair Dr. Jim Poteet at the 2018 SCB Celebration of the Game Event in Kansas City, Missouri

2018 Bevo Francis Award Winner, Emmanuel Terry accepts his award at the 2018 SCB Celebration of the Game

Small College Basketball Lifetime Achievement Award winner, John Hudson accepts his award at the SCB Celebration of the Game Event.

© 2018 All Rights Reserved. 

All events and awards listed on this website ( are owned and operated by Small College Basketball, LLC (EIN: 47-4550863). These include, but are not limited to, the Small College Basketball Hall of Fame, the Small College Basketball Hall of Fame Classic, the Bevo Francis Award, the Larry Smith Award, the Small College Basketball Alumni Association, the State of Small College Basketball Address, Coaches Corner and the Small College Basketball Videos.  The logos and marks for each of these Small College Basketball entities are the property of Small College Basketball, LLC.

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